Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Do it, rub Blizzards snotty little face in it.

There was a time when one could play Unreal Tournament on a 56k dial-up modem lag free. Today, in late 2013, I cannot play Diablo III with a dsl connection many times faster than that, in single player mode, without lag affecting every action I take.

17 months after it released on PC Diablo III is still virtually unplayable to thousands of the rightful purchasers of the product.

Blizzard has taken the incentive and added and changed many things on the PC version of Diablo III, most of them completely irrelevant to the complaints that the games customer base asked for, begged for, gave up playing the game for, now hate Blizzard for.

I held out hope, I even bought Heart of the Swarm (I did), I've played the beta for the new micro-transaction based, social card game Hearthfire (I have, it's like a Zynga version of Duels of the Planeswalkers and literally requires playing against other humans for advancement, it also has an always online drm requirement for every single action taken... vs CPU).

I now completely give my puny, insignificant support to any group who can retrieve adequate server data from Diablo III and crack the game for totally offline play. I'd even pledge money to them for doing an honorable service to humanity... more money than I paid for Diablo III; just to spite Blizzard. Maybe someone could even mod the game so that you can actually build a ROLE PLAYING character instead of just playing for better loot with the same runes equipped that everyone else has. Maybe they could write a story that doesn't sound like it was penned by a trained monkey. Maybe they could make the loot drop system balanced.

Pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking? Yes. But it's certainly more probable, at this point, than Blizzard salvaging it's reputation as a decent game developer.

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